Contact Dr. Jamie L. Gloor

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14 Plattenstrasse
Kreis 7, ZH, 8032

Jamie L Gloor is an experienced, international researcher, educator and mentor. She is American born but currently resides in Zurich, Switzerland. Her research interests focus on individual and organizational health, including publications on diversity and leadership and research experience at prestigious universities across four different continents. 


Exciting news, research, updates, & events!


Reconnect, refocus, and re-search to close the year

Jamie Gloor

This week, we all met in the scenic and serene Kloster Kappel for a writing retreat.

We set goals and shared our values, enjoyed several productive pomodoro sessions, hosted a research presentation by YeJin Park (NYU), cruised the Christmas market in Zug, meditated, stretched, and enjoyed several healthy meals and conversations.

Feeling very grateful for this group and this opportunity.