Contact Dr. Jamie L. Gloor

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14 Plattenstrasse
Kreis 7, ZH, 8032

Jamie L Gloor is an experienced, international researcher, educator and mentor. She is American born but currently resides in Zurich, Switzerland. Her research interests focus on individual and organizational health, including publications on diversity and leadership and research experience at prestigious universities across four different continents. 


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Filtering by Tag: sugar

How Sweet It Is!

Miranda Harton

Check out the new Rudd video released today coinciding with our new report on cereal marketing to kids:

Ever wonder how much sugar your child's cereal contains? The Rudd Center presents this quick video to answer the question, and pose one of our own. Check out "How Sweet It Is!" Research conducted by the Rudd Center shows that children will eat low-sugar cereals, and even when allowed to add sugar to the cereal, tend to add much less sugar than a sugar-sweetened children's cereal contains.